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  • After the great success of the video contest for our 15 year anniversary, as we previously announced, we have decided to make it an annual initiative. We think that participation in the contest is a great way to get students to use the Italian language creatively and work together in a common project toward a common goal. “Motivation” takes on a fundamental role in the Edilingua philosophy and your enthusiasm confirms that we have hit the mark!

    Edilingua 2012 video contest rules and regulations

    Categories and channels
    Videos inspired at all the Edilingua courses and video series can be filmed and uploaded on the respective YouTube channels. There are three specific categories:
    A. Language courses for adults (Nuovo Progetto italiano, in all of its versions - Arrivederci!, Allegro, L’italiano all’università)
    B. Progetto italiano Junior  (in all of its versions)
    C. Forte!

    How to participate
    The students participate in groups (from 3 to 8 people) and must make a brief video (maximum 2 minutes) inspired by a dialogue from the course they are taking. The video could be an alternative or more humorous take on the dialogue, for instance. Each school or individual teacher can participate with more than one group.

    Each video must be titled as follows: “BOOK/COUNTRY/TEACHER/CLASS or LEVEL”, for example “Nuovo Progetto italiano 1/Spain/Marchetti/B1”. The video caption must indicate the name of the school, the names of the group members (if adults)*, the city, an email address (for the school or teacher) and a reference to the dialogue which inspired the video (for example Progetto italiano Junior 3, dialogue page 27).

    * For students under the age of eighteen who can play a part in costume with wigs, eyeglasses, etc., neither their personal data nor the city need to be indicated.

    To upload their video, the school or teacher must request the access password by writing to [email protected]. The videos must NOT be sent to Edilingua! In the help section of YouTube you can find tips on how to upload the video. Edilingua will not be able to provide any technical support.

    The 6 videos with the most views in the adult category and the 4 with the most views in the teen and children categories, that is, the videos which had the best average number of views (i.e. the views: channel hits ratio) will be awarded the following: each member of the group will receive their choice of a Primiracconti or Raccontimmagini series and an educational poster. All the material will be sent by Edilingua, not to each individual student, but to the school or teacher.

    Of these 14 videos with the most views, a committee ― made up of the authors of the courses mentioned above and the Edilingua editing staff ― will select the 6 best (2 per category), based on originality and linguistic content.

    The following prizes will be awarded for these 6 videos:
    For each student: teaching material worth 40 Euros (to be purchased on the Edilingua website; shipping costs included). For example, if the group is made up of 6 students, the total award will be 240 Euros.
    For the teacher: teaching material worth 100 Euros (to be purchased on the Edilingua website; shipping costs included).
    For the school: teaching material worth 100 Euros (to be purchased on the Edilingua website; shipping costs included).

    The winners will not be liable for any expenses but they will be able to place only group orders (in other words, one order for the students, the teacher and the school).

    Special awards
    The judges reserve the right to award a prize for videos which, notwithstanding the number of views, stand out because they are particularly original or deserving.

    The videos can be uploaded any time between February 1st and November 30th 2012. The results will be posted on December 10th 2012 on the Edilingua website and communicated via email to the participating schools and teachers.

    Break a leg!
    The Edilingua editing staff

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