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Training for teachers >> Insegnamento e apprendimento dell'italiano L2 in età adulta

Insegnamento e apprendimento dell'italiano L2 in età adulta

edited by L. Maddii


In the last few decades, types of learners, motivations, teaching contexts and use of Italian as a second language have changed and broadened due to increasing migration to Italy.

Today, Italian is learned and used as a second language by more than a million people living in Italy, not counting those who study this language abroad due to interest in Italian culture, for professional reasons, religious, and even in the case of children or grandchildren of Italian immigrants who wish to regain their linguistic and cultural roots.

The complexity of the task - with readers coming from extremely diverse backgrounds, ages, citizenship and motivations - forces teachers of Italian as a second language to amplify their expertise in terms of planning, awareness, of methodology coordination as well as their knowledge of language teaching techniques.

This volume puts together a selection of significant contributions that document the learning curriculum of IRRE Toscana for teachers of Italian as a second language; it offers, along with a theoretical classification of problems that can arise in the teaching and learning of Italian by
foreign adults, interesting hints to plan and enact courses of Italian as a second language. For teachers, this work can therefore be a basic manual that helps them explore the possible learning paths to undertake in order to develop indispensable expertise in complex and varied contexts such as are courses for adults of Italian as a second language.

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