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The first ever platform for teachers and students of Italian

i-d-e-e (italiano–digitale–edizioni-edilingua, or Edilingua Italian Digital Editions) is the first ever educational platform created especially and exclusively for teachers and students of Italian. It is a “blended” learning environment, meaning it combines the use of printed materials and classroom lessons with a range of digital education materials that are accessed online.
i-d-e-e is actually a multi-platform, since it brings together a wide range of different educational technologies for teachers and students in a single learning environment.

The aim of i-d-e-e is to improve lessons in the classroom. Firstly, it helps to save teachers a considerable amount of time (since exercises and tests can be corrected automatically), which can then be used for other activities in class, such as oral or group work. It also helps to motivate and involve students, with its range of innovative and easy-to-use resources, which encourage communication and creativity, and make studying more effective.

Schools and teachers of Italian can access the platform for free and make use of all the available resources. Students can access i-d-e-e by using a personal code found inside their textbooks – Edilingua textbooks, of course! – or they can shop online for access time that allows them to use i-d-e-e materials and resources (they can either do this themselves or their school can do it for them).

Come registrarsi su (insegnanti)

Come creare una Classe virtuale su i-d-e-e 2.0 2.0: l'Archivio di Edilingua

Come creare test su i-d-e-e 2.0o

Come creare giochi su 2.0

Tutorial (with screenshot)
Frequently Asked Questions for teachers and schools
Workshop su i-d-e-e
Didattica digitale e i-d-e-e

Il Quaderno interattivo

L’ambiente insegnante

Video su i-d-e-e

6 steps to learn Italian effectively and with fun!!!

La grammatica interattiva di i-d-e-e: i possessivi.

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