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  • Dear teachers,

    We are pleased to inform you that L’italiano all’università 1 for English speakers, the first of a two volume course for students that study Italian in universities in Italy or abroad, is available.

    In the English version the instructions of all the activities, the information boxes, the communicative functions of Si dice così! and the Sintesi grammaticale are in English. In addition, in the appendix of the volume you will find an Italian-English glossary with the translation of all the words and the expressions used in the Student’s book and in the Workbook.

    At the end of each unit you will find either an assessment test on the linguistic and communicative skills or a self evaluation table with the corresponding solutions.

    To browse the first two units of L’italiano all’università 1 for English speakers, click here.

    Buon lavoro!
    Edizioni Edilingua
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