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  • Dear Colleagues,

    It is our pleasure to inform you that Progetto italiano Junior 2 für deutschsprachige Lerner (A2), the second level of a modern multimedia Italian course, is also available for students between the ages of 11 and 17. The course is taught through of a fun story told in comic strips, starring 5 Italian kids, with whom students can easily identify.

    Progetto italiano Junior 2 für deutschsprachige Lerner is made up of two volumes, Libro di classe and Quaderno degli esercizi. In the Libro di classe, which also includes video activities, the activity instructions are in Italian, while the objectives, the Autovalutazione instructions and the Grammatica@junior section are in German. The volume concludes with the Redemittel section, which summarises all the communication situations encountered in the book in simple, user friendly tables.

    In the Quaderno degli esercizi, which includes Minitests, the Cosa so fare? (Portfoliobögen zur Selbsteinschätzung) section, an Italian-German glossary and the Lernvokabular worksheets, all the instructions are in German.

    Edizioni Edilingua

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