

It is aimed for foreign children at first stage of learning.

Collana Raccontimmagini

S. Servetti

First readings in Italian. Elementary (A1)


Raccontimmagini is a series of 5 volumes of level A1-A1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for teaching foreign children Italian (ages 6-11). Each book presents two illustrated stories, followed by a section of exercises and games for the reuse of vocabulary encountered. Each story presents new words along with expressions and useful phrases for children to speak about some simple everyday actions.

The series Raccontimmagini includes:

  • Benvenuto! / La mia famiglia (Elementary A1)
  • Un quaderno e due matite / Disegno e coloro (Elementary A1)
  • Dove siete? / Il pilota (Elementary A1)
  • La gita al mare / In vacanza dai nonni (Elementary A1 +)
  • Un carnevale speciale / Il pupazzo di neve (Elementary A1 +)

Benvenuto! / La mia famiglia (A1)

The first story suggests a situation that the foreign child will meet on his first day of school in a new Italian class and the need to know and socialize with new friends. In the second story, thanks to two photographs, two children present their families and exchange information about the name and age of other people.

Un quaderno e due matite / Disegno e coloro (A1)

In the first story, on his way to school, the protagonist buys a notebook and two pencils in a bookshop, where he meets a new friend. In the second story, two children draw a picture and colour it together. This presents the colours and vocabulary related to the elements of the landscape they have designed.

Dove siete? / Il pilota (A1)

In the first story, three children hide and go seek. Fang Fang, one of the main characters, searches for the other two children, looking in all the rooms of the house and in the back yard. This presents the vocabulary related to the various items that can be found in the house and in the back yard. In the second story, Antonio has to write a story about what he wants to be when he grows up. But he has not decided yet. So he decides to take a walk in the city, in order to observe people working. Throughout this stroll in the city he shows us different shops, public buildings and professions.

La gita al mare / In vacanza dai nonni (A1 +)

In the first story, Silvia and Paolo spend a day at sea with their parents. The protagonists make new friends and have fun together, play and eat ice cream. In the second story, Victor and Alex, go on holiday on the farm of their grandparents where they help the uncles with the animals, playing with their cousins and take long walks by the river. One day, however, they encounter a very special friend: a dog named Giovedì (Thursday).

Un carnevale speciale / Il pupazzo di neve (A1 +)

In the first story, Antonio attends a costume party organized in his school, where he plays, dancing and having fun with his friends. All children are dressed as animals from Africa, but Antonio has a very special costume. In the second story, Saidi is a bit sad because he is sick. But from the window, he sees his friends making a snowman in the garden of his house. Thanks to them Saidi will find his smile again.

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