
Gioco di società Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 3

The Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 3 gioco di società comes with the third volume of the Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano language course. The course is designed for adults and young adults.

Gioco di società Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 3

S. Servetti. Livello C1


The Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 3 gioco di società comes with the third volume of the Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano language course. The course is designed for adults and young adults.

Bringing together cognitive challenge and fun by using intrinsic motivation as leverage, the game aims at making students practice the lexical, communication, cultural, and grammatical content of the course.

The 6 games proposed, transform the experience of a game into a meaningful lesson: students are self-motivated, enthusiastic about the challenge, protagonists, and can carry out self-assessment.

The Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 3 gioco di società is a great resource to motivate and engage the whole class.

In the box you will find 300 cards (6 decks of 50) to play Taboo, Guess, Action!, Mix, Let’s Become Artists!, and Let’s Improvise. You will also find 4 guide cards to allow the students to quickly learn the rules, instructions for the teachers and a folding cardholder.

To find out more, consult the guide cards and the Instructions.

Have fun!

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