
Via del Corso

Multimedia course of Italian language and civilization.

Via del Corso

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Corso di italiano per stranieri (A1-B2)

Via del Corso si rivolge a studenti adulti e giovani adultii. È un innovativo manuale in 4 livelli, costruito intorno a una storia, un’originale commedia noir che viene raccontata attraverso una sit-com e una graphic novel che si alternano. Gli studenti sono coinvolti in prima persona in quanto sono loro stessi a scegliere il finale della storia.

Il corso, integrato da utilissimi materiali cartacei e multimediali, comprende:

  • Via del Corso A1
  • Via del Corso A2
  • Via del Corso B1
  • Via del Corso B2

Ogni livello è pubblicato in due versioni:

  • Libro dello studente ed esercizi (+ 2 CD audio, + 1 DVD)*
  • Libro dello studente ed esercizi - edizione per insegnanti (+ 2 CD audio, + 1 DVD), con le soluzioni

e comprende:

  • il Libro e il Quaderno in un unico volume;
  • QR code per accedere direttamente alle tracce audio e agli episodi video*;
  • codice i-d-e-e per accedere gratuitamente alla versione interattiva del Libro e del Quaderno, al videocorso, alle tracce audio, ai videogiochi ecc.

*In tutti i livelli e versioni i CD audio e i DVD vengono gradualmente sostituiti dai QR code.

Specimen Via del Corso A1
Specimen A1 English Speakers
Specimen A2
Specimen B1
Specimen B2

Via del Corso A1

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for foreigners. Level A1
ISBN: 978-88-98433-63-6
pp. 244 – formato 21 x 29

Via del Corso A1 covers around 50-60 hours of classroom lessons and aims at developing confident communication skills even from the first few lessons. It is an innovative manual built around a story set in Rome, an original black comedy told alternately through a sit-com and a graphic novel. The videos and images are fully integrated within the structure of the course and are not merely a supplementary resource. The story is intriguing, motivating, and involving, evoking emotions, creating empathy and also serves as a catalyst for the learning process. Students are personally involved as they themselves get to choose how the story ends. To facilitate the progress of the lessons, all the video episodes can also be found on the audio CDs as a radio drama, while the cartoons are also available in animated form on the DVD.

The full-colour Student’s Exercise Book includes

  • 12 didactic units, with a video episode (sit-com) and a cartoon episode (graphic novel) and a wide range of inputs (texts and audio-visual);
  • QR code for direct access to the audio tracks and video episodes;
  • Pronti!, introductory section to activate pre-knowledge and emotionally involve students by stimulating their curiosity;
  • Italia&italiani, section dedicated to Italian culture and civilisation, with the aid of a special video;
  • Summary, a section summarising the communicational and grammatical elements found in the unit;
  • 4 revision sections, original, motivating didactic games to make the learning process even more enjoyable and collaborative;
  • In-depth grammar section;
  • 1 DVD, with 12 video episodes, 12 animated cartoon episodes and 12 cultural videos;
  • 2 audio CDs (in a natural, slowed version), including the radio drama of the story and texts for oral comprehension and pronunciation.

The Didactic Guide, which includes invaluable advice and suggestions on how to make the best of the book, games and activities, tests and other materials, is available in paper format but also on our site in digital format: it can be downloaded or used directly online and includes interactive contributions on the page and multimedia resources.

The interactive Glossary, in 16 languages, is available on Google Play and App Store.

For more, see the specimen with index, the introduction, 2 units (of the Book and Workbook) and the first revision. (A specimen of the teachers' edition can be found here.)

To watch the trailer of theVia del Corso A1 sit-com, click here.

*also available without DVD or audio CD.

Via del Corso A2 (+ 1 DVD + 2 CD audio)*

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for foreigners. Level A2
ISBN: 978-88-98433-77-3
pp. 256 – formato 21 x 29

Via del Corso A2 covers around 50-60 hours of classroom lessons. It is an innovative manual built around a story set in Rome and Florence, an original black comedy told alternately through a sit-com and a graphic novel. To facilitate the progress of the lessons, all the video episodes can also be found on the audio CDs as a radio drama, while the cartoons are also available in animated form on the DVD.

Via del Corso A2 follows a natural progression and thanks to an inductive approach and active teaching, including problem solving, information gap, task-based and cooperative activities, students are even more involved and motivated.

The full-colour Student’s Exercise Book includes

  • 12 didactic units, with a video episode (sit-com) and a cartoon episode (graphic novel) and a wide range of inputs (texts and audio-visual);
  • QR code for direct access to the audio tracks and video episodes;
  • Pronti!, introductory section to activate pre-knowledge and emotionally involve students by stimulating their curiosity;
  • Italia&italiani, section dedicated to Italian culture and civilisation, with the aid of a special video;
  • Summary, a section summarising the communicational and grammatical elements found in the unit;
  • 4 revision sections, original, motivating didactic games to make the learning process even more enjoyable and collaborative;
  • In-depth grammar section;
  • 1 DVD, with 12 video episodes, 12 animated cartoon episodes and 12 cultural videos;
  • 2 audio CDs (in a natural, slowed version), including the radio drama of the story and texts for oral comprehension and pronunciation.

On the i-d-e-e.it platform you can find the exercises in interactive form, the digital Student’s Book, the listening tracks, video materials, tests (progress, final, self-evaluation), games and a series of resources and tools for students and teachers alike.

The interactive Glossary, in 16 languages, is available on Google Play and App Store.

The Didactic Guide, which includes invaluable advice and suggestions on how to make the best of the book, games and activities, tests and other materials, is available in paper format but also on our site in digital format: it can be downloaded or used directly online and includes interactive contributions on the page and multimedia resources.

For more, see the specimen with index, the introduction, 2 units of the Book and Workbook.

To watch the trailer of the Via del Corso A2 sit-com, click here.

*also available without DVD or audio CD.

Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 1a (+CD audio + DVD)

Via del Corso B1 (+ 1 DVD + 2 CD audio)*

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for foreigners. Level B1
ISBN: 978-88-99358-45-7
pp. 264 – formato 21 x 29

Via del Corso B1 covers around 50-60 hours of classroom lessons. It is an innovative manual built around a story set in Rome and Florence, an original black comedy told alternately through a sit-com and a graphic novel. To facilitate the progress of the lessons, all the video episodes can also be found on the audio CDs as a radio drama, in order to valorise all oral and written input to the maximum, making them more coherent from the communicative and pragmatic points of view.

Via del Corso B1 follows a natural progression and thanks to an inductive approach and active teaching, including problem solving, information gap, task-based and cooperative activities, students are even more involved and motivated.

The full-colour Student’s Exercise Book includes

  • 12 didactic units, with a video episode (sit-com) and a cartoon episode (graphic novel) and a wide range of inputs (texts and audio-visual);
  • QR code for direct access to the audio tracks and video episodes;
  • Pronti!, introductory section to activate pre-knowledge and emotionally involve students by stimulating their curiosity;
  • Italia&italiani, section dedicated to Italian culture and civilisation, with the aid of a special video;
  • Summary, a section summarising the communicational and grammatical elements found in the unit;
  • 4 revision sections, original, motivating didactic games to make the learning process even more enjoyable and collaborative;
  • In-depth grammar section;
  • 1 DVD, with 12 video episodes, 12 animated cartoon episodes and 12 cultural videos;
  • 2 audio CDs (in a natural, slowed version), including the radio drama of the story and texts for oral comprehension and pronunciation.

On the i-d-e-e.it platform you can find the exercises in interactive form, the digital Student’s Book, the listening tracks, video materials, tests (progress, final, self-evaluation), games and a series of resources and tools for students and teachers alike.

To learn more, see the specimen with table of contents, the introduction, first 4 units of the Book and Workbook, and Ripasso 1.

To watch the trailer of the Via del Corso B1 sit-com, click here.

*also available without DVD or audio CD.

Nuovissimo Progetto italiano 1a (+CD audio + DVD)

Via del Corso B2 (+ 1 DVD + 2 CD audio)*

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for foreigners. Level B2
ISBN: 978-88-99358-87-7
pp. 248 – formato 21 x 29

Via del Corso B2 covers around 50-60 hours of classroom lessons. It is an innovative manual built around a story set in Rome and Florence, an original black comedy told alternately through a sit-com and a graphic novel. To facilitate the progress of the lessons, all the video episodes can also be found on the audio CDs as a radio drama, in order to valorise all oral and written input to the maximum, making them more coherent from the communicative and pragmatic points of view.

Via del Corso B2 follows a natural progression and thanks to an inductive approach and active teaching, including problem solving, information gap, task-based and cooperative activities, students are even more involved and motivated.

The full-colour Student’s Exercise Book includes

  • 12 didactic units, with a video episode (sit-com) and a cartoon episode (graphic novel) and a wide range of inputs (texts and audio-visual);
  • QR code for direct access to the audio tracks and video episodes;
  • Pronti!, introductory section to activate pre-knowledge and emotionally involve students by stimulating their curiosity;
  • Italia&italiani, section dedicated to Italian culture and civilisation, with the aid of a special video;
  • Summary, a section summarising the communicational and grammatical elements found in the unit;
  • 4 revision sections, original, motivating didactic games to make the learning process even more enjoyable and collaborative;
  • In-depth grammar section;
  • 1 DVD, with 12 video episodes, 12 animated cartoon episodes and 12 cultural videos;
  • 2 audio CDs (in a natural, slowed version), including the radio drama of the story and texts for oral comprehension and pronunciation.

On the i-d-e-e.it platform you can find the exercises in interactive form, the digital Student’s Book, the listening tracks, video materials, tests (progress, final, self-evaluation), games and a series of resources and tools for students and teachers alike.

For more information, click to consult the specimen with the units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

To watch the trailer of the Via del Corso B1 sit-com, click here.

*also available without DVD or audio CD.

Via del Corso A1 for English speakers (+ 2 CD audio + DVD video)

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for English-speaking students. Beginners A1

Via del Corso is aimed at adult A1 level students. This innovative 4-level manual is based around a story, an original black comedy, which is narrated through a sit-com and a graphic novel. Students are personally involved as it is up to them to choose how the story ends. 

In the Via del Corso A1 edition for English-speaking students, all activities, objectives of the units and the grammar summaries are in English. Moreover, the manual is completed by the Grammar Supplement and Italian-English Glossary with the translation of the words and expressions found in the Student’s book.

The book contains Student’s Book, Workbook, 2 audio CDs and 1 DVD.

Browse the SPECIMEN with the first six units of the volume with their respective Workbook units. Click on the icons to listen to some of the tracks.

Via del Corso A2 for English speakers (+ 2 CD audio + DVD video)

Telis Marin, Pierangela Diadori

Italian course for English-speaking students. Beginners A2

Via del Corso is aimed at adult and young adults A2 level students. This innovative 4-level manual is based around a story, an original black comedy, which is narrated through a sit-com and a graphic novel. Students are personally involved as it is up to them to choose how the story ends.

In the Via del Corso A2 edition for English-speaking students, all activities, objectives of the units and the grammar summaries are in English. Moreover, the manual is completed by the Grammar Supplement and Italian-English Glossary with the translation of the words and expressions found in the Student’s book.

The book contains Student’s Book, Workbook, 2 audio CDs and 1 DVD.

Browse the SPECIMEN with the first two teaching units of the volume.

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