
Affare fatto!

It is aimed for adult and young adults students, false beginners or absolute beginners, who have the need to relate in corporate environment. Following a communicative approach, the course deals in a systematic way with typical topics of a beginner’s level course, putting them side-by-side to more strictly microlinguistic elements.

Affare fatto!

L. Incalcaterra McLoughlin, A. Ruggiero, G. Schiavo, Silvia Bertoni, Susanna Nocchi

Corso d’italiano aziendale (A1- B1+)

Affare fatto! it is a course in which the most relevant communicative functions and lexical and morphosyntactic structures are presented both for communication in typical everyday situations and in those in a business environment. The book, while dealing with the typical topics of a language course, also addresses them from a sectoral perspective and places them alongside other more strictly microlinguistic topics.

The course includes:

    Affare fatto! 1 – Livello elementare (A1-A2)

    Affare fatto! 2 – Livello intermedio (B1/B1+)

The i-d-e-e code gives free access to the e-book, the digital version of the book that allows you to listen to the audio tracks, insert texts, notes or images and highlight.

Affare fatto! 1 (+ CD audio)

Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Anna Ruggiero, Giovanna Schiavo

Italian business course. Elementary level (A1-A2)


Affare fatto! 1 is the first volume of a course presenting both the communicative functions and the vocabulary and morphosyntatic structures needed to communicate in everyday situations as well as in a corporate environment. It is addressed to beginners, who have no prior or very limited knowledge of Italian, interested in becoming part of a specific corporate reality.

To that end, the book examines the typical structures of a beginner’s level course from a sectional point of view, putting them side-by-side to other, more microlinguistic, structures (from titles of professions, to corporate presentations, payments, business structures, conventions, etc).

Having worked with experts in the field, we managed to make Affare fatto! a reflecting mirror of the modern corporate reality, while interweaving it with activities that help develop all four linguistic abilities and intercultural reflection opportunities.

Click here to browse the index and first chapter of both the Student’s Book and the Workbook of Affare fatto! 1.

Affare fatto! 1 is compiled by an introduction unit and 10 more units.

At the beginning of each unit there are activities to motivate students reflect on either situations or vocabulary that will serve as an introduction to the key elements of said unit. Then, students proceed to a more coherent presentation of those same elements, which are presented anew through an audio track. Finally, they can reflect and review those elements. Although the units do not follow the same strictly fixed layout, they all provide activities to simultaneously develop all four linguistic abilities through:

  • an introduction page presenting the unit objectives using a visual input
  • a listening track featuring a dialogue, followed by both comprehension exercises and vocabulary exercises to use the communication structures presented in the preceding dialogue
  • reading text with corresponding activities second listening with corresponding activities
  • Facciamo il punto! section, where the basic linguistic principles of the unit are being reviewed
  • Strutture linguistiche page, offering linear explanations an schematics
  • in turns, the Lo sapete che…? Page or the Cosa so fare? template, where students have intercultural reflection time and autonomous self-evaluation opportunities

Affare fatto! includes in a single volume:

  • Student’s book
  • Workbook, including stimulating activities to memorize and reuse what the student has learned, which solely use the vocabulary already presented in each new unit and the ones preceding it, as well as exercises on proper pronunciation
  • Audio-CD (natural speed)

The source is completed by the following material:

  • Audio-CD (slowed-down version)
  • Teacher’s Guide, including keys to all exercises, transcripts of all audio recordings and amusing supplementary activities (soon available online)
  • Glossaries in different language (soon available online)

To learn more about the volume, browse the index, the introduction and an entire unit.

Affare fatto! 2

Silvia Bertoni, Susanna Nocchi

Corso d’italiano aziendale (B1/B1+A2)

Affare fatto! 2 offre: Libro dello studente ed Eserciziario in un unico volume;

  • Libro dello studente ed Eserciziario in un unico volume;
  • 10 unità didattiche;
  • QR code per accedere direttamente alle tracce audio;
    materiale autentico, attività per lo sviluppo delle abilità linguistiche, stimoli per la riflessione interculturale;
  • Consigli per imparare;
  • Pillole di cultura;
  • la sezione Facciamo il punto!;
  • la scheda di autovalutazione Cosa so fare? (ogni due unità);
  • la Scheda finale, che riassume le strutture linguistiche presentate nell’unità.

Per saperne di più, consultate l’indice, la premessa e un’unità didattica di questo volume del corso cliccando qui.

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