
Via dei Verbi

It is aimed for adolescent and adult students of any country, of elementary-intermediate level, who want to practice Italian verbs.

Via dei Verbi

Alessandra Giglio, Laura Morano

Activities + games + multilingual dictionary

Via dei Verbi consists of two volumes which respectively cover levels A1-B1 and B2-C2 of the Common European Framework for Languages.

It is aimed at adolescent and adult students who aim to deepen their knowledge of Italian verbs, but it is also a valid tool to consult at any time to grasp the meaning of verbs in context or read the translation into their own language.

Via dei Verbi can accompany any text for teaching/learning Italian and can also be used in self-learning, thanks to the keys in the appendix.

Via dei Verbi 1

Alessandra Giglio, Laura Morano

Activities + games + multilingual dictionary (A1-B1)

It is aimed at elementary-intermediate adolescent and adult students who wish to strengthen their knowledge of Italian verbs.

Via dei Verbi 1 is divided into four sections:

A multilingual practical dictionary (French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and German), a practical guide to the use of the most frequently used verbs

  • A multilingual practical dictionary (French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and German), a practical guide to the use of the most frequently used verbs;
  • grammar exercises and games divided by level (A1, A2, B1);
  • exercises and grammatical games divided by letter of the alphabet and by level;
  • grammatical tables, easy to consult, on how to use and form verb tenses in Italian.

To find out more, browse the index, the introduction and the preview of the structure of the volume.

Via dei Verbi 2

Alessandra Giglio, Laura Morano

Activities + games + multilingual dictionary. Intermediate-advanced level (B2-C2)

Via dei Verbi 2 is aimed at all foreign students at level B2-C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference and represents a practical aid for students in their progress in acquiring and learning Italian.

The volume consists of four parts:

  • The first section is a multilingual practical dictionary, a guide to the use of the most frequently used verbs. For each verb, in addition to the translation (English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese), the auxiliary (avere or essere) and an example sentence expressing the meaning of the verb in context are indicated;
  • The second section presents a wide range of exercises and grammar games (multiple choice, cloze tests, matching and transcoding, crosswords, etc.) organized according to linguistic levels (B2, C1, C2).
  • In the third section we have another battery of exercises divided not only by language level, but also by letter of the alphabet. This means that the student can choose to practice verbs of a specific letter of the alphabet and at a specific level at the same time.
  • The fourth section, without claiming to be exhaustive, presents some grammar tables to remind students how to form and how to use verb tenses in Italian.

To find out more, browse the index, the introduction and the preview of the structure of the volume.


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