Collana cultura italiana
A collection for intermediate-advanced level students who want to deepen their knowledge of Italy, its language, history, territory and economy, art and artistic movements, singers and songwriters and composers, cinema and, finally, its delightful wines and foods.
Collana cultura italiana
P. Balboni
This collection, aimed at B1-C2 level students, includes a number of volumes:
Letteratura italiana per stranieri (Italian literature for Foreigners): from vulgar literature to contemporary authors;
Storia italiana per stranieri (Italian History for Foreigners): from the birth of Rome to the present day;
Geografia d’Italia per stranieri (Italian Geography for Foreigners): physical, anthropical, economical Italy and the Italian regions;
L’italiano e l’arte (Italian and Art): in preparation;
L’italiano e la musica (Italian and Music): in preparation;
Storia del cinema italiano (The History of Italian Cinema): in preparation;
L’italiano in cucina (Italian in the Kitchen): in preparation.
All the volumes come with a glossary of the more common and sectorial terms.
The volume is completed by a series of materials that are available online for free at this site:
- supplementary texts and detailed study tests;
- supplementary activities and self-evaluation tests;
- summary and keyword charts;
- audio CD.
For more information, please refer to the index, introduction and some pages of each volume.
Letteratura italiana per stranieri (+ CD audio) (Italian Literature for Foreigners)
Letteratura italiana per stranieri
Paolo E. Balboni
History, texts, analysis, activities. Level B2-C2
Letteratura italiana per stranieri aims to help Italian language students learn more about and better understand Italy. The volume is a history of Italian literature, a collection of literary texts from the very origins – in the 1200s – all the way to the present day. The texts are accompanied by a reading guide, analysis and lots of points to consider.
The volume – which includes an audio CD – is divided into eight chapters, eight modules, each of which introduces a certain period and some authors together with their works. It also includes files on art and music and, from the 1900s onwards, some files on cinema and singer-songwriters.
Here you can leaf through and download the example with index, introduction and some pages from the book.
The volume is completed by a series of materials that are available online:
- Supplementary texts. Extra texts on an author, always accompanied by a reading guide and analysis of the work.
- Detailed study texts. Extra texts for those who wish to learn more about a certain author, historical context, literary movement.
- Self-evaluation tests. Eight tests, one per chapter, aimed exclusively at allowing students to evaluate what and how much they retain at the end of each module.
- 25 audio tracks. Professional actors interpret some famous poems that are proposed in the volume. The audio CD is attached to the book, but you can also download the MP3s in the “material for teachers and schools” and “material for students” sections.
A discount of 30% or 35% is applied to orders of 5 or 10 copies respectively on all titles in the collection.
On our YouTube channel of the Italian culture necklace ( it is possible to watch videos by Prof. Balboni who introduce us to the themes of the volume and of each chapter.
To read the Errata corrige click here.
To view the Specimen click here.
Click here to browse Testi supplementari.
Click here to browse Testi di approfondimento.
Click here to browse Test di autovalutazione.
Storia italiana per stranieri (Italian History for Foreigners)
From Ancient Rome to the present day. Level B2-C2
Storia italiana per stranieri is not merely a sterile list of events and dates, but rather aims to get students reflecting on why historical events took one course instead of another. A book, therefore, that aims to be a guidebook to understand the Italy and Italians of the 21st century in light of the past 2500 years.
The volume is divided into nine chapters, nine modules, each of which introduces a certain historical period. The events, dates, names, wars and battles are all organised along a timeline, every two pages, so that students have a map of history constantly to hand.
To help students further, each sub-chapter presents the file Le parole della storia (Words of History) which lists and explains in a clear and simple way some of the specific terms that are closely linked to and used in the period in question. On the final pages of the volume you can also consult the Glossary Index where you will find a list of these words in alphabetical order.
To view the Specimen click here.
The volume is completed by a series of materials that are available online:
- Detailed study texts. Extra texts for those who wish to learn more about the history of Italy, its historical periods or individual characters. To consult, download and print the PDFs, enter the last word on page 51 of the book as a password. The texts are marked by an icon inside the volume.
- Self-evaluation tests. Nine tests, one per chapter, aimed exclusively at allowing students to evaluate what and how much they retain at the end of each module. To consult, download and print the PDFs, enter the last word on page 93 of the book as a password.
A discount of 30% or 35% is applied to orders of 5 or 10 copies respectively on all titles in the collection.
On our YouTube channel of the Italian culture necklace ( it is possible to watch videos by Prof. Balboni who introduce us to the themes of the volume and of each chapter.
Geografia italiana per stranieri
Territorio, abitanti, economia. Livello B2-C2
Geografia italiana per stranieri is aimed at B2-C2 level students who wish to learn about the fundamental aspects of Italian geography to better understand Italy and the Italians.
This volume is not merely a sterile list of cities and regions with their borders. On the contrary, it aims to identify and highlight the peculiar, characteristic aspects of the many areas in Italy that we can find to the North, Centre, South and the islands. Aspects that have contributed to making the Italians a highly nuanced people, but at the same time connected by a single sentiment.
The volume is divided into eight chapter, eight modules: the first three give an overall view of the territory, inhabitants and economy; the next five introduce the various areas of the country, the macroregions with their high and low points, with a timeline to show their evolution, with short files on the main cities and a literary text portraying the essence. The volume ends with a glossary of the geographical terms found and highlighted throughout.
To view the Specimen click here.
The volume is completed by a series of materials that are available online:
- Detailed study texts. Extra texts for those who wish to learn a bit more about the Italian territory, its towns and cities, the inhabitants. To consult, download and print the PDFs, enter the last word on page 89 of the book as a password. The texts are marked by an icon inside the volume.
- Self-evaluation tests. Eight tests, one per chapter, aimed exclusively at allowing students to evaluate what and how much they retain at the end of each module. To consult, download and print the PDFs, enter the last word on page 25 of the book as a password.
Collana cultura italiana is an Edilingua project that also includes texts on literature, history, and the history of art, music, cinema, as well as an interpretation of cuisine as an expression of culture.
On our YouTube channel of the Collana cultura italiana ( you can watch Prof Balboni’s videos introducing us to the themes of the volume and each chapter.
A discount of 30% or 35% is applied to orders of 5 or 10 copies respectively on all titles in the collection.
On our YouTube channel of the Italian culture necklace ( it is possible to watch videos by Prof. Balboni who introduce us to the themes of the volume and of each chapter.
Progetto La comunicazione tra italiani e altri popoli
Per ogni paese vengono indicati i potenziali punti critici della comunicazione.
Tutti – docenti, studenti, personale di istituzioni o aziende, amanti dell’Italia ecc. – possono integrare le schede-paese inviando i propri contributi a, firmandoli e diventando in tal modo ‘collaboratori’.
Periodicamente le schede, che sono contributi di lavoro e non ricerche accademiche, vengono aggiornate.
Per consultare, scaricare e stampare i PDF delle schede interculturali cliccate sul popolo di riferimento:
Il volume è integrato da una serie di materiali disponibili online:
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_albanesi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_argentini_uruguayani_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_brasiliani_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_cechi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_cileni_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_cinesi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_germanofoni_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_greci_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_messicani_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_peruviani_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_romeni_moldavi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_russi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_serbi_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_spagnoli_italiani
- Scheda di grammatica interculturale_sudanesi_italiani