
Nuovo Vocabolario Visuale

It is aimed for students of all ages who want to learn the basic vocabulary.

Nuovo Vocabolario Visuale (+CD audio)

Telis Marin

Lessico di base della lingua italiana illustrato e con attività di ascolto

Livello elementare (A1-A2)


Nuovo Vocabolario Visuale offers in 40 thematic units over a thousand Italian words of daily use through updated images and new listening activities.

It is a useful and practical tool for students of Italian as a foreign or second language, beginners and false beginners of all ages, who want to learn the basic vocabulary for effective communication, to enrich their vocabulary or to prepare for an exam certification.

This new edition includes an audio CD (attached to the book) with listening activities that serve multiple purposes: to strengthen the correspondence between written word, image and sound through contextualization in a communicative perspective; to motivate and actively involve the student making memorization and acquisition more effective; to offer communication models to be reused in everyday life in order to develop the “know-how” usage of the language.

The volume includes the Workbook (Eserciziario), short exercises and playful activities in order that students can memorize as well as consolidate what has been learnt in each unit and the Resume exercises (Esercizi di ricapitolazione) offering the possibility to work simultaneously on several thematic units.

This structure makes Nuovo Vocabolario Visuale an excellent support to be integrated into the class syllabus and, thanks to the keys (Chiavi) at the end of the volume, it is also a valuable resource for self-learning and a great learning evaluation tool.

To learn more, browse the index, the introduction various pages of the volume and and a track from the Audio CD.

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