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Interactive glossaries

An original, effective and fun way to learn and memorize the vocabulary! The glossaries of Edilingua’s courses became interactive: 11 free apps for smartphones and tablets are now available on Google Play and on App Store.

The apps include all the vocabulary of the course components. However, they are not just another tool to improve student’s learning, more importantly these apps encourage students to actively test their vocabulary knowledge.

After installing the app, students can use the Glossario interattivo to look for a word in the All words section, or they can practice the vocabulary of a specific unit (or of all units).
Words are presented randomly and they can immediately view the translation. Alternatively, they can challenge themselves by choosing the correct translation between 3 possible options and get an immediate feedback.
Students can choose to practice starting either from Italian or from the their mother tongue. They can also listen to the correct Italian pronunciation with the quality of Google Translate!

The glossaries can also be customized: students can save the words they want to revise in ‘Favorites’, as well as remove the ones they don’t need.


***The apps can be used offline.***

For each course, the following languages are available (click on the links to download the corresponding app):
Nuovo Progetto italiano 1: English, German, French, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Czech, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian, Swedish and Hungarian ANDROID  iOS
Nuovo Progetto italiano 2: Czech, Chinese, Croatian, French, English, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, German and Hungarian ANDROID  iOS
Progetto italiano junior 1: Arabic, French, Greek, English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, German, Serbian and Swedish ANDROID  iOS
Progetto italiano junior 2: Arabic, French, Greek, English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, German and Serbian ANDROID  iOS
Progetto italiano junior 3: French, English, Portuguese, Serbian, Russian, Spanish and German ANDROID  iOS
Arrivederci! 1: Croatian, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Serbian, Russian, Spanish and German ANDROID  iOS
Arrivederci! 2: Croatian, French, Japanese, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Serbian, Russian and Spanish ANDROID   iOS
Arrivederci! 3: French, English, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish ANDROID  iOS
L’italiano all’università 1: French, English, Russian, Spanish and German ANDROID  iOS
Senza frontiere 1: Albanian, Arab, Chinese, French English and Romanian ANDROID  iOS
Via del Corso A1: Czech, Croatian, French, Japanese, Greek, English, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, German, Ukrainian, Hungarian ANDROID iOS

***For devices running ANDROID: for a better vocal synthesis quality we recommend to set the Google Voice synthesis function. From the Settings menu, select Language & inputs > Text-to-speech output > Preferred engine > Google synthesis engine. If this is not possible on your device, you can download it for free here: ***

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